September 2011

On the set of HeavenWord TV

A Word from David

A few weeks ago, I took an inventory among our staff to compile a list of every country where Heaven’s Family is working. The results revealed that we’re serving in more than 30 nations through about 120 indigenous and expatriate partners.

It thrills me to think that, together, we’re touching the lives of the “least of these” in all those places. Additionally, our books for pastors and Christian leaders have gone across many international borders into nations beyond the thirty we listed. Even more thrilling is that, in 2011, people from just about every nation of the world have visited our teaching website (, many in search of biblical answers. And this month, we’re officially launching our video-teaching outreach, HeavenWord TV, that is now available as far as the internet reaches (you can read about this new ministry inside the back cover).

The greatest thrill, however, is that we’re serving God’s children one by one, and this month’s magazine, like every month, highlights a few of those individuals who have been touched by your compassion. On their behalf, thanks so much. They’ll be thanking you in heaven. — David

This Month's Articles

Parting Shot: Kids are the Same Around the World

Nicolae Ilues is an Romanian orphan who is supported each month through our Orphan’s Tear division. As I took his portrait, he couldn’t resist showing me about ten of his funniest facial expressions. Above are three of my favorites. — David

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