
With a friend in Kenya

A Word from David

How does God lead us? Primarily through His Word. There is little sense in seeking His unique will for our lives if we are ignoring His revealed will for everyone.

From His Word, we know it is His will that the gospel be preached in all the world, and we know that all of us should be involved in the process. But one person can’t do it all. So how do you know what is your part?

Usually, God opens a door of opportunity. If we’ll walk through it, there will be other doors.

God is opening more and more doors for Heaven’s Family to serve our suffering spiritual family in the Muslim world. This month’s article The First Jabali describes one opportunity. Thanks for joining us as we walk through these doors! — David

This Month's Articles

This Month's Teaching

Parting Shot: Chick Whisperer

The well known idiom, “A little bird told me,” probably has its origins in Ecclesiastes 10:20: “Furthermore, in your bedchamber do not curse a king, and in your sleeping rooms do not curse a rich man, for a bird of the heavens will carry the sound and the winged creature will make the matter known.” This little bird appears to be sharing one of those secrets to a little girl at Jordan Orphanage in Myanmar.

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