Heaven's Family Magazine
March 2016 Issue

Refugee Ministry

Special Issue: 2015 Ministry Directors' Report

Becky Servant

A young Syrian refugee being kept warm by a heater purchased by Heaven’s Family

The war in Syria has taken the spotlight on the world’s stage the past few years, and the ones who have suffered the most—as in every conflict—are the women and children. The media focuses on bombings and brutality, while mothers and children endure quiet, desperate lives in tents, subsist on limited, poor quality food, find no educational opportunities and feel no hope.

The crisis overwhelms us, and the scale of suffering at times tempts us to quit. But I am encouraged by the faces of those we’ve helped; they are deeply grateful that we didn’t give up.

And, by faithfully partnering with Heaven’s Family in 2015, you also stood in the gap for them by helping to:

• Support 6 vulnerable Syrian babies with formula and vitamins each month (their mothers are overwhelmingly grateful for this help, which gave their babies a chance to thrive, relieving their fear that they would die from malnutrition).

• Provide lifesaving food each month to 100 very vulnerable families displaced within Syria, demonstrating God’s love and care for them—a knowledge they did not have before; a knowledge that has caused many to come to Christ.

• Keep 75 Syrian families living in tents and unheated rooms warm through the cold winter with heaters and fuel—literally saving many from freezing to death.

• Supply 300 warm blankets and 250 solar lanterns to Rohingya refugees in India who have fled persecution in Myanmar, hoping for a new life. The Rohingya are one of the most marginalized people groups in the world today.

The Refugee Ministry has reached out to 6 people groups this year: internally displaced people (IDPs) inside Syria and DR Congo, Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Iraqi refugees in Iraq and Jordan, Rohingya refugees in India, and Sudanese and other East African refugees in Kenya.

Thank you for standing in the battle with us, and for being the hands and feet of Jesus to the ones whom God has allowed us to serve. They are so thankful for your love!

Help meet the pressing needs of displaced and persecuted Christians


This Month's Articles

Heaven's Family's Compassion Club

Jesus so clearly described His true followers in Matthew 25:31-46. They are “sheep,” whose love for Him is revealed by their sacrifices for the “least of these.” The “sheep” are contrasted with the “goats,” who may even call Him “Lord,” but who don’t really love Him, as revealed by their lack of compassion for those within whom He lives.

Jesus’ true sheep are born again and transformed by the Holy Spirit. They want to serve Jesus every moment of their lives. They are filled with His love. They’re not “Sunday Christians.”

Heaven’s Family’s Compassion Club is a wonderful means for Christ’s followers to demonstrate their love for Jesus every day through the very means He taught—by serving the “least of these.”

Continue reading at HeavensFamily.org/cc

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