Water flowing freely in Khawpui Chipp

12 Feb

Water flowing freely in Khawpui Chipp

A young boy collecting water from the completed well

Water Flows Freely in Khawpui Chipp

Safe water project provides safe water for people and for crops

Dear Friends,

Khawpui Chipp is a rural Christian village in the remote mountains of Myanmar, populated by Falam and Mizo tribal groups.

Two miles from the village a well and cistern were installed to access an underground mountain water source. The villagers provided the labor to dig trenches and laid PVC piping to bring the safe, clean water directly to their village, where it is stored in a second cistern. The water source now ables them to grow cash crops, too.

Previously, the closest water sources were four contaminated, hand-dug wells. They were poor water sources not only due to the contamination, but also because they often stopped producing in the dry season. Villagers suffered frequently from diarrhea and kidney stones. Because to the sporadic former wells, farmers had to rely solely on rainfall to water their crops.

Lives have now changed dramatically in Khawpui Chipp, however, due to the generous gifts from Heaven’s Family donors to the Safe Water Ministry!

Here’s a brief excerpt of a letter from a grateful beneficiary:

We never dream that we would have such a good irrigation. We are unable to express how much we are glad for this irrigation. May the Lord bless Heaven’s Family.

Thank you so much for your gifts to the Safe Water Ministry that have brought abundant access to safe water to these who previously had none.

A letter of thanks from our spiritual brothers and sisters of Khawpui Chipp

A pretty girl collecting some water at a 2nd tap that was installed at the village

The nearly completed building, located at the village that houses the cistern filled with mountain spring water

Furthering His Kingdom together,

Diane Scott
Director, Safe Water Ministry

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