Robbed, Raped, Restored


Robbed, Raped, Restored

In last month's magazine, CJ McDaniel told the encouraging story of Ildephonse Bigrimana, a handicapped beggar in Burundi, East Africa, who was led to Christ by a Heaven's Family-sponsored native missionary. Through gifts to the Handicapped Christians Fund, we set Ildephonse up in a small grocery business, by which he was able to support his wife, Odetta, and their son, Samuel.

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Glory Girl

"Papa, can my hand be as it once was?" Chin Chin's question stung Sonny Luai's heart every time he heard it. "I do not know how to respond to her," Sonny admitted as he tried to help me feel his anguish. My eyes told me enough, however, as I glanced uncomfortably at Chin Chin's right arm that was missing a hand, and the scars that disfigured her beautiful face.

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Daniel’s Dilemma

Kenyan pastor Daniel Wanzala was in trouble. The leaders of his denomination were not happy with the reports they'd been hearing about his church. So they summoned him to explain. It all began when Pastor Daniel attended a leadership conference in the town of Kitale, taught by David Servant. What he heard that day was difficult for him to accept, because it contradicted some of his own beliefs and practices. Yet it had all been backed up with Scripture. So he faced a dilemma: Would he cling to his tradition or submit to the truth of God's Word?

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Seven Bullets, One Resurrection

Not one, or two, but seven. That’s how many bullets ripped through Jonathon Fana’s body as he ran from island police. I listened to Jonathon's story in astonishment as he showed me the bullet holes and the long, jagged scars on his neck and abdomen. How could he have survived such injuries? Yet there he stood in front of me, very much alive. I would soon learn from Jonathon that those seven bullets, far from ending his life, actually played a part in giving him a brand new life.

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The Village

Deep in the mountains of central Mexico, an Indian woman has been in labor for a day. Her baby, lodged in her birth canal, has had no detectable heartbeat for many hours, and the mother's life is slipping away from hemorrhaging. A flooded river, normally crossable by a jeep, separates her from the ambulance, called in by radio, which is waiting on the other side. American missionaries Jason and Nicole Fitzpatrick decide to employ a canoe—tied to rope to prevent it from being swept away in the swift current—to transport the mother to the other side in hopes that she can reach the hospital before she dies. They decide to begin with prayer...

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