Another Life Saved [Mexico Trip]


Jonah and His Fish

Sonny Cung Luai handed in his resignation at the orphanage where he'd served for five years. The job had turned out to be much more difficult than he'd originally imagined, and he and his wife, Biak, had had enough. They moved out, and found a tiny bamboo house to rent where they could think of what to do next. Whatever it would be, it wouldn't be taking care of orphans. "Jonah" was on the run.

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Seconds from Eternity

"I love you." With those words, Ashok ended the most difficult letter he'd ever written. His wife, Lakshi, would read it soon after his suicide. Ashok's poignant farewell was no pretense. He loved Lakshi deeply and would do anything for her. Several years earlier she had developed chronic bleeding—like the biblical woman healed when she touched Jesus' robe. Desperate to find a cure for the love of his life, Ashok spent all he had on doctors, medicines, and Hindu idols. None helped. Lakshi grew steadily weaker.

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The Bachelorette

She's 22 years old. She's beautiful. She's a hard worker. She's an excellent cook. She comes from a great family. She's single. What young man in Karnal, India wouldn't want her to be his wife? The answer: not one. Polio, a crippling disease that has been eradicated from most of the world, claimed Monica when she was a baby, making her legs useless. She has never walked.

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