Maggie’s Milk Ministry


Maggie’s Milk Ministry

It was just a couple of years ago that my friend, Maggie (not her real name), a Syrian American, moved to the Middle East to serve the suffering Syrian refugees. She has a degree in education and began teaching in a school for refugee children started by Christians.

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An Embarrassing Moment

When I arrived at Mt. Zion Orphanage in Haiti last month, I caught myself thinking, I'm glad no Orphan's Tear donors are here with me! That's a rare thought, because almost without exception I'm wishing you could be along with me. But that day I wanted to cry as I witnessed some deplorable conditions there, and I felt embarrassed that we hadn't taken care of these needs sooner! It had been a while since I last visited Mt. Zion, and I felt horrible that the needs even existed.

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Love on Tap

Fine is a survivor of the Rwanda Genocide in 1994. During a 3-month melee, an estimated 1 million people of the Tutsi tribe were slaughtered by members of the Hutu tribe. Although Rwanda has been peaceful in the years since, many scars remain.

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What Comes Next

"Free at last!" Those are the words every prisoner longs to utter one day. But what comes next? Finding a place to stay, food to eat, a job for income, and a welcoming body of believers—these are no easy tasks, and ex-offenders rarely succeed at them without a network of support.

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A Rocky Future

I first met Rocky a couple years ago while visiting a ministry called Hope House in the slums of Cebu City, Philippines. Not many boys come to the Bible studies or church services held at Hope House (reflecting the tendency for adult men to avoid any such activities), so Rocky's warm smile and charm has stood out each time I've visited.

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Truth vs. Fear

Is the truth of the gospel more powerful than my fear? Mia could no longer ignore the question—a tsunami of panic now threatened to drown her both emotionally and spiritually. Over the past 3 years Mia has often made the dangerous journey across the border into China to secure food and other life-sustaining supplies for her family that were in short supply in impoverished North Korea. Once safely across the border, she then found a secret refuge where she was welcomed with open arms.

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Nepal Quake Update

During our response to the devastating earthquake in Nepal last April, I was very excited to see how God directed us to link arms with other organizations to improve our impact in that hurting country. In all, your donations have enabled us to join collaboratively with more than 30 organizations that are all working to build the kingdom of God in Nepal!

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Lost but Found

A young boy carefully picked through piles of rank-smelling, filthy garbage hoping to find some food scraps for his aching belly or something he could exchange for money. What the preoccupied boy didn't notice was that, just as carefully, a nearby man was watching him with sad but compassionate eyes.

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Riding High

I suppose having a tender heart is part of the job description for the director of Orphan's Tear. But sometimes I feel that my heart exceeds the tenderness requirements! That possibility entered my mind as my eyes teared up reading a letter I recently received from a little boy in Mexico called Beto (translated by our dear friend and ministry partner Nicole Fitzpatrick). I hope Beto's words touch your heart as well...

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Finding Hope in Guatemala [Elisabeth’s Trip Blog from Guatemala]

"You know...we have to move here," Daryl said to his wife Wanda after witnessing the horrific conditions inside a handicapped ward of a Guatemalan hospital. With deep conviction, she replied with just 2 words: "I know."

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