Orphan’s Tear Ministry


Orphan’s Tear Ministry

Misdiagnosed with a serious disorder at birth, the parents of Rachel and Esther promptly abandoned them. The twin girls went to live in an orphanage until they were 3, when they were transferred to an Orphan's Tear-supported group home for orphaned and abandoned children with special needs.

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North Korean Christians Ministry

Imagine if you were completely cut off from your family. Barbed wire fences, landminieinfested borders and armed guards—not oceans or great distances—were what separated you from the ones you love. You couldn't even send a quick text or chat with them on Facebook.

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National Missionary Ministry

Liberation. That's the word that comes to mind for 2015. The reason is because so many who were bound in spiritual darkness found freedom in Jesus Christ last year—thanks to the tireless efforts of our small army of dedicated national missionaries around the world, and thanks to you who gave to make their work possible.

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Micro-Loan Ministry

Survival for many of the world's poor depends on a grocery item that may surprise you—charcoal. For most of us, the word conjures up lazy summer days filled with picnics and barbecues, but to poor Africans, who rely on charcoal for preparing meals and, more importantly, for boiling water to avoid diseases like typhoid and cholera, the word means life.

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Leprosy Ministry

Leprosy. It is a word that holds a different meaning for different people. For most, it's the "unclean" disease of the Bible. For others, it's a modern-day curse that slowly destroys the bodies of its victims, as well as the futures of their families. That word represents the enduring stigma carried by leprosy communities—warning others that they are about to enter a "pariah" area.

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Food Ministry

David looked thin and sickly. Intestinal worms consumed most of the meager nutrition he received from the scraps he found at home or elsewhere. As is often the case in the slums of developing nations, David's family simply could not care for him.

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Farming God’s Way Ministry

Joseph Maravanyika pastors a small church in Mutare, Zimbabwe. But he finds that his greatest ministry occurs outdoors during the day, teaching people how to farm successfully, and indoors at night, teaching those same subsistence farmers about Jesus and how to rely on the local body of Christ for support that helps lead to success.

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Widows & Abandoned Women Ministry

Ann Alugunat is a widow who lives in Teso Village, Kenya. Since 2002 she had lived with an ever-growing tumor on her jaw that had made it increasingly difficult for her to eat—a problem that led to malnutrition. The people in her village—even her own family—had come to accept that Ann would soon die.

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