Farming God’s Way Newsletter | December 2017

Farming God's Way farmers celebrating harvest

Farming God’s Way Newsletter | December 2017

Thank you very much to those of you who support Farming God's Way Ministry at Heaven's Family. You have enabled our FGW team to accomplish some amazing things in Africa as well as in inner-city America.

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Patients leprosy colony

The Gift of a Lifetime

While visiting a leprosy colony in Msambweni, Kenya last summer, I arrived just in time to witness a truly remarkable sight. Measurements were being taken to provide new shoes, prostheses and assistive devices for patients with ulcerated and degenerated feet and legs! Peter, the director of Blessed Camp, had taken a step of faith in inviting a rehabilitation team from Mombasa to assess the situation. The only problem, however, was that he didn't have the funds to pay for these much-needed shoes and orthotic aids.

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Therisa with family in Myanmar

A Family for Christmas

Therisa was very excited and immediately said, “Yes!” when her uncle asked if she wanted to come and stay with him and his family during Christmas break. Therisa didn’t like living at the Jehovah Jireh orphanage in Myanmar. She had been living there since she was a toddler. With just a few caregivers responsible for 80 children, Therisa felt under-valued and unloved. Also, the orphanage wasn’t providing sufficient physical care for the children as many of the children had become malnourished.

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Little girl in Nepali village who was benefitted by our goats for girls project

You Did It…Again

You know who you are—those who joined us in the fight against human trafficking and slavery in 2017. We’re talking about those of you who sacrificed hard-earned dollars (or pounds or euros or yen…) to rescue women and children from this web of evil, and to encourage and equip those fighting it on the front lines. We’re also talking about those who prayed for us and this life-affirming ministry, whether you were in a position to give financially as you wanted to or not.

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Little child in Kenya with clean drinking water

Life-giving Water—Just in Time for Christmas!

Ngowsani West is an arid, remote and impoverished village located in Maasi Mara, Kenya. The indigenous Maasai tribe here are famous for sticking to their tribal traditions and animist religion, but the spreading of the gospel is making a major impact in this place through our hard-working ministry partner, Deb Deren, who was called to plant a church here 4 years ago.

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Picture of girl in front of orphanage in Myanmar

When “Helping” Hurts Children

It is a basic principle of economics that supply always increases to meet demand. If there is a demand for widgets, more widgets will be manufactured, all due to the hope of profits. And that is generally a good thing. When there is demand for heroine, however, heroine supply will increase to meet the demand. The same is true for porn. And the same is true for pseudo-orphanages and pseudo-orphans.

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Woman in Chin State

Nice Guy Loan Collector

Micro-credit, when done properly, can be a huge blessing to very poor people who, with a small business loan, are given an opportunity they would never had otherwise to lift themselves from poverty. Heaven’s Family’s Micro-Loan Ministry, under the very capable directorship of Dan Steward, is the biggest thing Heaven’s Family is doing around the world. Dan and his team, consisting of his wife, Terry, Isaac and Sarah Smoak, and Jenna Liberati, are touching lives in 13 nations now, and one of those nations is Myanmar.

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Open Door of Opportunity

I don’t believe that we have even scratched the surface of what FGW can do in inner city of America. But I do believe that God will use FGW to transform our inner cities as He is using FGW to transform darkest Africa.

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Farming God's Way in the inner city!

FGW in Inner City USA

When Jerry first encountered FGW on a trip to Africa with me last year, he told me that we need to bring it home to the inner city where we live. So, in April 2017, we introduced FGW into New Kensington, a blighted rust belt town in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area.

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Transformation in Africa - corn harvest

Transformation in Africa

Heaven’s Family is implementing FGW in five African countries - Zimbabwe, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. We are training and mentoring about 3000 formerly-poor FGW farmers in those five countries.  

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