“I would be loved”

Picture of Don Riker in a leprosy colony in South India

American friend gets infected

The following is the testimony of Don Riker, a dear brother and colaborer in the fight against leprosy and its social stigmas. His words are a powerful testimony to the determination of a man of God who sacrificed his health for the "least of these."

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Picture of borrower with rice hulling machine

Unstoppable Entrepreneur

Soth is a man of God and a fine Christian leader, committed to discipling the brothers and sisters in his house church. He lives in a rural village in the jungle of a communist country. Like most of his fellow villagers, he relies on farming and raising animals to support his family.

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Malnourished child in Guatemala - before and after

Formula for Health

Yesli's first birthday was just a few days away when we met, but her hair was falling out instead of growing. She was also retaining fluids and suffering from kwashiorkor, a form of severe malnutrition mostly affecting children from poor nations who eat lots of carbs and little protein.

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Picture of child in South Sudan drinking clean water

Abundant Life

Water was a huge problem for the people of Kwaria, an impoverished village in South Sudan. There is a growing church-planting and disciple-making movement among the Toposa ethnic group who live here. Christian disciples from this village have started more than 10 Bible study groups in neighboring villages.

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Picture of undercover missionary in Taliban-controlled territory in Middle East

“Capturing” Taliban Spies

If you were given the opportunity to fund the covert ministry of a formerly homeless teenager who is now penetrating one of the world’s most dangerous Islamic militant groups with Christ’s liberating gospel, would you do it?

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