Mobility Wins!

Magdalene's charcoal business in Kenya - Microloan Ministry

Back in Business

Unlike its neighboring country Uganda, Kenya has come out of lockdown and is resuming a somewhat normal existence. As businesses reopen and life returns to normal, there are opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to rebuild their lives.

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Picture of widows and abandoned women in Kenya learning to sew

Stitching Lives Back Together

You are changing the lives of Beatrice and Lilian in Nakuru, Kenya! Five days a week they meet with Wangui, their sewing instructor. They begin by reading the Bible and praying for each other. They also share their burdens with each other. If one of them has a need, they help each other. They are also assisting their community by sewing masks and sanitary pads.

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Picture of leprosy-affected victim in Kenya

A Loving Touch for the Untouchable

Anjelina was born in Tanzania. When she discovered she had leprosy, her family instantly rejected her. She traveled all the way to Kenya to get treatment and moved into a leprosy colony there. Because no one would give her a job, she had no option but to beg at the nearest town, which was a 15-mile walk. When the coronavirus pandemic struck and lockdowns were enforced, Anjelina had no one to beg from.

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Picture of Farming God's Way trainer in Kenya

Disciples Making Disciples

The final leg of my journey took me to Kenya, where I stayed with our trainer Griffin Juma. This was a very encouraging trip. On the first day, I visited with Griffin, his wife, and four of their five sons. I love those little guys.

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Picture of Syrian refugee baby drinking formula

You’ve Answered This Mother’s Prayers!

Baby Ali’s parents fled Syria a couple years ago when ISIS began to attack close to their home. They had no choice but to leave their land, home, job, and possessions all behind. They made the intense journey through the mountains and into Lebanon.

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Picture of farming God's way trainers in Zimbabwe

Money and Marriage

Farming God’s Way is a tool that can help the body of Christ equip the poor to break the yoke of poverty. Our biggest need is for more trainers. We currently have 8 trainers working in 6 countries. Most of them have disciples whom they are training to train others. But our trainers need to provide for and spend time with their own families too. If they spend all their time running around teaching FGW but their family needs are not met and their marriage fails, that is a loss for the kingdom.

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Picture of Sikh family believers

Faithfulness in the Face of Persecution

Jesus told his disciples to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matt 5:44). Have you ever thought about how difficult it is to follow these words of Jesus when you’re actually being persecuted? Heaven’s Family-supported national missionaries in India live out this verse every day. They faithfully visit villages where they face opposition and pray for their persecutors. Those who come to faith through their message can also face heavy persecution.

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