Catching Up!

Image of Brenda before being rescued

Catching Up!

You'd never guess it, but in the above picture, Brenda was not yet rescued. She was participating in a feeding program in Guatemala supported by Heaven's Family. As our partner organization worked with her, it became apparent that Brenda was being abused. Instead of seeing progress with her, the partner saw that she was continuing to be malnourished, that her hair was falling out, and that the orange tint in what should have been black hair was not going away.

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Image of Joseph in Guatemala

Smiling despite the stench

A minefield of dog feces and a diarrhea-filled diaper were just a few of the items we had to tiptoe around today to get to young Joseph's home. For outsiders like us, the stench of the slum where eight-year-old Joseph lives was extremely potent. Joseph, however, is accustomed to the smell. His family has lived in this slum, which sits right next to Guatemala's largest garbage dump, for generations. But that generational cycle will end with Joseph, thanks in part to you!

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Image of women in India receiving tailoring training

Empowering Women in India

Kiya (name changed for security reasons) was hopeless. Her husband had died two years earlier in an accident, leaving her and her three little children with a huge debt to pay. She tried working as a household maid, but the hours were long and the work exhausting. She became sick and started having severe knee pain. Not knowing where her next meal would come from, she began to think that her best option was to take her own life.

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