A Little Child Shall Lead Them

10 Jan

A Little Child Shall Lead Them

Dear Compassionate Sponsors,

I have to tell you about a special little girl in Texas named Arin. She apparently decided to do something unusual at her seven-year birthday party. She invited all her pirate friends to come and help her hunt for treasure. But it was heavenly treasure they were looking for, and so she asked them all to bring some booty to donate to Orphan’s Tear.

A few weeks ago, we received a pirate birthday party invitation, and pirate map with scriptures all over it, and a letter from Arin telling us what happened:

letter from child
In case you can’t read everything Arin wrote, here’s the translation: “We are glad we could send you a donation. I had a birthday party to get money for the orphans tear. I have sent an invitation for you (althouth my birthday is all ready over) and a map. We collected $230.00. Merry Crismas orphan tear. Love Arin. December 7th, 7 years old, but I’m not old.”

Thanks so much, Arin, for setting an example of a pure heart to all of us! You are not old, but you are very wise to be laying up treasure in heaven at age seven!

Thanks so much to another bunch of wise people—every child sponsor, everyone who has given to the Special Gifts Fund, and everyone who has given to the Heaven’s Family Mutual Fund last month. We now send around $12,000 each month to our orphanages, supporting over 600 children in six nations. Moreover, new orphanage buildings are being constructed. Christ in you is making it possible!

For the Children,


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