The young beauties of Jaffna Children’s Home in Jaffna, Sri Lanka make their new well, a gift from Heaven’s Family, look even more beautiful!
A Well Makes Girls Well
Fixing a sick well to keep a home full of girls from getting sick
Dear Friends,
All was not well for the girls living at Jaffna Children’s Home. Some were developing skin rashes, while others came down with cases of diarrhea and the flu. After some investigation the cause was found: the shallow water table their well drew from had become contaminated.
The 50 girls who live at Jaffna, located in a city by the same name in Sri Lanka, come from various walks of life. Some have been rescued from sexual and physical abuse; all are poverty stricken. The girls are sponsored by compassionate friends of Heaven’s Family through the ministry of Orphan’s Tear.
When I heard of the need, I wanted to act quickly so the girls could have a clean source of water. Using generous gifts to the Safe Water Ministry, we were able to help them drill a new, deeper well. I’m happy to report that the girls are now enjoying abundant, clean water—and they are healthy once again!
The staff and children of Jaffna Children’s Home are so grateful for our quick response to replace their polluted well. Thank you so much for caring! Your generous gifts to the Safe Water Ministry are making a difference in so many lives!
At left, the new, deeper well with one of the lovely young ladies from the orphanage in the background; at right, another of those lovely ladies up close!
Access to safe drinking water is very often a major need in so many places that Heaven’s Family works. Because of your gifts to the Safe Water Ministry we are able to make a huge difference in the lives of so many of our spiritual brothers and sisters around the world. In addition to wells, Heaven’s Family helps install rainwater collection systems and distribute simple, effective water filters.
And as always, we partner with local believers who are actively working to draw needy, thirsty people to Jesus, the source of living water! Thank you so much!
Serving Christ together,
Diane Scott
Director, Safe Water Ministry