The staff of Orphan’s Tear (left to right): Daisy Servant, Elisabeth Walker (myself!), and Diane Scott.
Happy New Year to all of you! Thanks to your partnership, 2013 was a very fruitful year for Orphan’s Tear.
I’d like to share with you a brief report about how you touched orphans and unwanted children last year, and I made it into a short video you can watch by clicking here. The video also includes our goals for the coming year…PLEASE WATCH!
Thank you so much for making a difference in the lives of orphans all around the world in 2013. I’m looking forward to another great year.
God bless you!
Elisabeth Walker
Director of Orphan’s Tear
Two skinny Santas showed up to a Christmas party held at Life Concern Orphanage. The costumes were used to attract several hundred neighbors to an outreach party, where everyone heard the gospel!