Across the Room, From Across the Globe

04 Jan

Across the Room, From Across the Globe

4-year-old Richard smiling with walker
His smile says it all—a life changed with hope for the future—and all because of your generosity!

Across the Room, From Across the Globe

A story of a life changed through generosity and compassion

Dear Friends,

From the time of its inception, the Disabilities Ministry of Heaven’s Family has worked diligently to provide medical assistance to disabled men, women and children in some of the world’s most impoverished nations. Many cultures around the world view disabilities as a punishment or a curse and disabled children are often abused and neglected. My heart breaks for them, as I know yours does too.

The needs are many, often times amplified by a lack of resources, funds and a general knowledge of the conditions and disabilities that plague them. It would be so easy for an individual attempting to tackle this incredible obstacle on their own to feel overwhelmed. Thankfully, however, you and I are not alone. With the help of a team of professional, compassionate individuals who have answered the call of God on their lives to minister to the “undesirable”, the Disabilities Ministry is able to connect your generosity with those individuals in the world who I would argue are amongst the most deserving of it.

The Disabilities Ministry begins each case with a thorough assessment of the individual’s physical, mental and spiritual needs. We then work with the guardian or caretaker to establish a preferred option of care and design with them a comprehensive plan moving forward. All of this, of course, culminating towards a more independent lifestyle for the disabled individual.

A recent success story I would like to share with you is that of 4-year-old Richard. I was introduced to Richard last summer after he had been discovered playing in a pit latrine in the slum of Kampala, Uganda. At the time, Richard (who is an orphan) was living with his grandmother who was struggling to provide even the basic essentials of survival and was unable to provide the physical therapy and medical attention that Richard needed.

Richard malnourished and unable to walk
When he was found last July, Richard was malnourished and unable to walk (as pictured above).

Upon receiving the funds needed for surgery, and after a few months of physical therapy, Richard has transitioned to standing without assistance! As a thank you for your dedication to this ministry, I’ve decided to give you a rare glimpse into how your compassion and generosity can change a life—and did, for young Richard. Please click the image below to watch—from across the globe—as Richard takes his first steps across the room!

The care given to Richard through your generous donations to the Disabilities Ministry has provided more than just nourishment, medical care and physical therapy for sweet Richard—you are the reason behind his beautiful smile! Thank you for making it possible for the Lord to bring emotional and physical healing into this child’s life.

Together in Christ,

picture of carmen parise, director of the disabilities ministry

Carmen Parise
Director, Disabilities Ministry

button to give to disabilties ministry

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