These children were orphaned by flooding in Malawi, but a precious saint cares for them in what remains of this house
Dear Friends,
Africa is plagued with problems, but damaging storms is not usually one of them. So I was surprised when my friend and Heaven’s Family coworker Dick Samuels told me that a cyclone struck Malawi this month, causing widespread flooding and damage to homes and crops. Almost 200 are confirmed dead, thousands are still missing, and hundreds of thousands have been displaced. (For news coverage, click here.)
This disaster is personal for Dick, who has been working passionately to help poor subsistence farmers in Malawi and elsewhere produce bumper crops using Farming God’s Way techniques for over a year (read more about FGW here). Many of his friends and their families were affected, including those in the photos below.
The Disaster Relief Fund has already sent $2,000 in emergency relief, and I’m waiting to hear from Dick about additional needs. If you’d like to help, please click the blue donate button below.
This is all that remains of this sister’s house after flood waters swept through her FGW farm
This widow, a poor subsistence farmer who started using FGW for the first time this year, lost much of her house to the floods
This poor young widow, also participating in FGW for the first time, lost her house and her maize crop, forcing her and her children to live out in the open
Because of Him,
Jeff Trotter
Director, Disaster Relief Fund