What Comes Next


What Comes Next

"Free at last!" Those are the words every prisoner longs to utter one day. But what comes next? Finding a place to stay, food to eat, a job for income, and a welcoming body of believers—these are no easy tasks, and ex-offenders rarely succeed at them without a network of support.

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Locked Up in Angola Hilton

So this is what it's like, I thought to myself. I was lying on the thin mattress of a metal-framed bunk. Concrete block walls surrounded me on 3 sides, and thick steel bars completed the enclosure of my 6-foot by 9-foot prison cell.

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From Prison to Palace

It was a marvelous picture of redemption: 80 young men, all prison inmates who were still serving time for their crimes, singing praises to God at Kenya's presidential palace. It's an inspiring story that begins with one man named Kelvin Mwikya, who encountered Jesus in a Kenyan prison cell.

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A Match Made at Heaven’s Family

It’s official! The Prison Ministry Fund has joined together with the Drug Rehab Fund to create the Prison Ministry & Rehab Fund. It’s a match made in heaven, meant to better serve our brothers and sisters struggling to restart their lives in prison, or deliver them from the bondage of addiction. By combining these two funds we can reduce administrative costs and maximize the effectiveness of your contributions. Our contacts, who have been ministering directly on our behalf with disbursements from these two funds, have very similar goals and challenges. And many drug addicts end up in prison, while many inmates are in prison because of drug-related crimes.

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Lalo’s New High

It was a new low for the one they called Lalo. Born Eduardo Gutierrez Del Angel of Pachuca, Mexico, Lalo had already lived more than a dozen years in drunkenness. But this night, as he lay in a rat-infested abandoned building, he awoke from his stupor to find a stray dog trying to eat his eye out. When I heard that awful detail, I couldn't help but notice the scar under his left eye. Lalo confessed that was one more night when he contemplated suicide.

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Thrice Freed

Prison inmates have one advantage over those who are never incarcerated: They've stood before a judge and been found guilty—something that should help them think about what awaits every sinner on his or her journey to stand before God. As he sat for seven years in prison cells in Russia and Moldova, Ion Guznac thought about those things, until he eventually realized that he had, up to that point, spent his entire life in prison.

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