Wedding Bells Ring!


Wedding Bells Ring!

I always love visiting the children each time I travel to India! As I look into their faces—each one sponsored so they can attend a private Christian school because, as the offspring of parents with leprosy, they are ostracized at public schools—I'm filled with joy knowing that we are giving them a future they would otherwise never know.

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A Warm Celebration!

Recently Pastor Paul Fang and his wife, Lisa, celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary in the same way they began both their courtship and their marriage: by sharing it with the leprosy-afflicted patients who reside at East Gate Leprosy Colony. That's because they've come to love these saints as members of their own extended family, not clients of their "ministry" or "job."

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A Grateful Graduate

Having just returned from Goma, DR Congo, with my husband Bob, where we witnessed the graduation of many women from the Women of Wellness Center (WoW), their faces and stories still flood my mind. Ladies with horrific tales of sexual abuse who had been treated as castaways, believing themselves to be worthless and lacking the strength, self-esteem, and hope to care for themselves and their children, who are often the unwelcome fruit of the violations they've received.

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Carole’s 2015 Video Report: In My Words [A Leprosy Ministry Mini-Update]

In January, each of Heaven's Family's 21 Focused Ministry Directors gave a short, 10-minute presentation about their accomplishments in 2015 and their upcoming goals for 2016. We're excited about what the Lord has done, and what He has in store for the remainder of this year!

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Carole’s 2015 Video Report: In My Words [A Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry Mini-Update]

In January, each of Heaven's Family's 21 Focused Ministry Directors gave a short, 10-minute presentation about their accomplishments in 2015 and their upcoming goals for 2016. We're excited about what the Lord has done, and what He has in store for the remainder of this year!

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Leprosy Ministry

Leprosy. It is a word that holds a different meaning for different people. For most, it's the "unclean" disease of the Bible. For others, it's a modern-day curse that slowly destroys the bodies of its victims, as well as the futures of their families. That word represents the enduring stigma carried by leprosy communities—warning others that they are about to enter a "pariah" area.

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Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry

The dead don't smile. Neither did Safi, who felt dead on the inside. Most of the women who arrive at the Women of Wellness (WoW) Center in the city of Goma, DR Congo, look and feel just like Safi; broken and numb. So when Safi walked into the center with that same look, her story wasn't hard to guess.

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The Ingredients for Success

I first met Boaz and Murali on my trip to India for the Leprosy Ministry in 2012. I had come to meet the students we had begun sponsoring for school the year before, and we were eager to start our first Vacation Bible School for about 100 children, some of whom were from a nearby orphanage. Boaz was one of the praise and worship leaders, playing some "mean" drums, and Murali was right at my side directing the activities for the rambunctious kids. We had a spirited time, and these two fine young men became my faithful program directors every year since, including last November.

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Wonders for Warda (and Her Wee Sisters!)

I first met Warda and her sisters one year ago during my visit to a place called Cindi's Hope in Nairobi, Kenya. I learned in the months prior about how these beautiful girls were rescued from horrific circumstances in the Eastleigh slums of Nairobi, and of how Warda had been violated such that she trusted no one, causing her to shy away from contact with any adult. My heart broke for them.

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An Unbroken Faith

A broken arm...for 3 years? I thought incredulously. I'd known Katun for almost 5 years—and even used pictures of her to describe life in the leprosy colonies of Hyderabad, India (there she is smiling in the Leprosy Ministry banner at top)—but never noticed her arm was broken! (She had a way of hiding it from visitors.)

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