A Two Hour Walk for the Word


Out of the Darkness

Polite has never been allowed to read the Bible on her own because of the laws of her "church.” These cults teach that women can’t read it, men can only read it at home, and only the priest receives revelation from God. She also can not afford the $16 expense to own a Bible in her own language.

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Perfect Timing

Ethan Wanjala has a bad reputation. He dropped out of primary school after receiving a soccer scholarship. Then his father paid a semester's tuition for a trade school, but Ethan dropped out after a week. Now he's in his early 20s, and due to his bad decisions, many people in his community want nothing to do with him. Though he has worked as a motorbike driver for two years, he has absolutely nothing to show for it. He had an abysmal appearance, remaining unshaven and dressed in filthy clothes. But because of your gift, Ethan will soon look into a mirror and discover who he really is.

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My Encouraging and Confirming Trip

I always enjoy visiting my brothers in East Africa. But I get to hear about these incredible stories every month, so it was a treat to have fresh eyes with me on this trip. Heaven's Family staff members David, Stephen, and Jonas came along and helped to photograph and interview some of the farmers and disciple-makers we work with. It was a joy to see their reactions. I hope this brief trip report stirs your heart in the same way it did theirs.

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