Your compassion on wheels!

Picture of Christian ambulance in Pakistan

Your compassion on wheels!

Imagine with me... You’re a poor Christian living in Pakistan. You are in a terrible accident and desperately need medical attention. The ambulance, however, refuses to help you. Why? They say something like,You’re a Christian—and poor—you're not worth our time or effort. Sadly enough, your next stop might just be the morgue.

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Picture of video about Syrian Civil War and ISIS

You’ve been in Cambodia, China, Mexico and Kenya! [A Compassion Club Update]

Well, you haven’t been there physically, perhaps, but your compassion has. Here is a quick look at the many lives you’ve touched—and are continuing to touch—over the past several months because of your Compassion Club investments:

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Clean Water Helps Clean Souls

Philemon Youth Center (aka "Philemon House") in Kibwezi, Kenya is the first of its kind in that African nation. Located about 125 miles southeast of the capital city of Nairobi, this Christian-saturated facility rescues troubled youth who have known nothing but abandonment and chaos in their young lives.

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Nge Nge with children in kachin state, myanmar

Kinnecting Kin

Let me introduce you to Nge Nge, one of the newest co-laborers we’re working with at Heaven’s Family. Born in a small rural town in Myanmar (Burma), she was just 3 months old when her father tragically died in a car accident. “There are no words to explain such feelings,” she now says with an aching heart about the father she never knew. After his untimely death, his widow was unable to support her young family, so she sent Nge Nge and her other children to live with different relatives. Nge Nge only saw her mother during school holidays.

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church leaders with copy of the disciple making minister

TDMM Tackles Telegu

David Servant's book The Disciple-Making Minister (TDMM) is a 500-page training manual chock-full of foundational Bible doctrine that is sorely lacking in many parts of the world today.

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Smiling in Heaven

Khin Mar was my friend. Many others counted her as their friend too, especially the many she led to the Lord. I'm happy to report that this dear friend is now with Jesus, our great Friend, and I want to honor her by telling you about how she lived her brief life on this earth.

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