Back in Business

27 Nov

Magdalene's charcoal business in Kenya
Magdalene’s charcoal business has made her a happy—and profitable—entrepreneur. Thank you for investing in her!

Back in Business

This microloan beneficiary’s charcoal business is booming!

Dear Family,

Unlike its neighboring country Uganda, Kenya has come out of lockdown and is resuming a somewhat normal existence. As businesses reopen and life returns to normal, there are opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to rebuild their lives.

Magdalene is one such entrepreneur who received funding from a Heaven’s Family microloan. With her loan of $300 she started her own business selling charcoal, which is now in high demand in Kenya as travel has opened up and businesses are resuming normal operations. Charcoal is used for heating and cooking, both in restaurants and in residential settings.

Magdalene’s infectious smile and love for Jesus are evident to everyone with whom she comes in contact. As a result of her great attitude and diligent work, her business is now thriving. Your continued generosity allows our Microloan Ministry to resume funding loans in countries with great need such as Kenya. Thank you!!

Picture of the director of the microloan ministry

Steve Sifa
Director, Microloan Ministry

Click here to help provide microloans today

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