The children of Jocada Academy rejoicing about their new books!
Books for All!
How can poor children from the slums of Kenya learn without books?
Dear Friends,
It was a happy day at Jocada Academy. All of the students in the second grade received new English, Kiswahili and reading books.
Jocada Academy is located in the slums of Kenya. Many schools that serve families in the slums are greatly underfunded because parents are too poor to pay their child’s tuition. Thus many classrooms often just have one book that must be shared among dozens of students!
Thanks to gifts to the Education Ministry, we are enabling the children of Jocada Academy to learn as never before. Now they each can bring their own books home so that they can continue to study on their own.
Here is a short video of the children of Jocada Academy singing praises to God: //
On behalf of Jocada Academy, thank you!
Rob Parise
Director, Education Ministry