The Call in the Wild
Braving persecution to bring truth to remote regions
Dear Family,
Welcome to Myanmar, where small villages cluster in remote clearings deep within the jungle. Here, wild and untamable foliage presses in on every side, creating quite a beautiful backdrop—a stark contrast to the immense poverty that plagues her people. Having only ever known the jungle for many generations, Myanmar’s people live a rugged way of life that relies heavily on Earth’s natural resources, which have nurtured a reverence for the nature that surrounds them.
All the while, the Creator of the very wilderness they worship is right on the edge of their consciousness, calling out through creation (Romans 1:20). All that is needed is someone to help reveal the Truth.
Khin is a native Burmese missionary—supported by the Persecuted Christians Ministry—trained at an undercover Bible school inside Myanmar. The school’s location and identity are kept secret as evangelism inside Myanmar is strictly forbidden. Nevertheless, this courageous young man has dedicated his life to bringing the gospel to remote villages, discipling those he meets into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. But it is dangerous work.
Should any of the villagers decide he’s a threat, Khin could be handed over to the authorities where he could face serious time in prison. But despite this, the Lord has caused Khin’s work to flourish. He currently oversees two village house-churches where he continues to disciple new believers, and his door-to-door evangelism outreach is bringing hundreds of native worshippers to Christ!
Now that they’ve heard the Truth, they need Bibles. The dialect spoken in this dense jungle region is unique, so translated text is hard to come by. Regular one-on-one discipleship and scripture memorization has been useful, but these dear brothers and sisters long for Bibles of their own to carry and study.
The Persecuted Christians Ministry, and in partnership with the Strategic Bibles Ministry, have recently provided enough Bibles for one of the small villages Khin has discipled. Khin secretly distributed the translated Bibles to those most in need. The distribution had a fantastic response, and the villagers’ gratitude was overwhelming.
You can join this story! For just $6 a Bible, you could provide translated Bibles to be hand-carried to our family in Christ on the other side of the world who are receiving God’s word for the very first time! I urge you to prayerfully consider investing in the excellent work that the Lord is doing, by advancing His Kingdom to the uttermost parts of the earth. To learn more, click here.
Thank you for offering so much hope,
Ben Croft
Director of Frontline Discipleship