Breaking Her Silence
"My name is Paz Islas Rufino. I am a mother, wife, and sister in Christ. I would like to share my testimony with you, which for me is somewhat sad."
Read More"My name is Paz Islas Rufino. I am a mother, wife, and sister in Christ. I would like to share my testimony with you, which for me is somewhat sad."
Read MoreIt’s happening yet again. North Korea’s despotic leader, Kim Jong Un, is breathing threats of annihilation against South Korea and the United States. The media loves reporting this all-too-usual story to audiences anxiously concerned about the risks of nuclear confrontation, because fear generates good ratings, and good ratings generate advertising dollars.
Read MoreDeep depression hit me. “What is my purpose now, Lord?...just take me Home.” Feelings of despair overwhelmed Jack at times, especially last year when his bout with Parkinson’s Disease—diagnosed in 2011—intensified, severely limiting almost every aspect of his life.
Read More"Suddenly I was a millionaire!" The words bubbled forth from Victor Masangano as he spoke to a small crowd of poor believers on a warm afternoon last December in rural Malawi.
Read MoreThe joy of a new mother's heart quickly vanished from Tha Chin Sung the moment her eyes fell upon her newborn baby's twisted mouth. Tha Chin instinctively cried out to God—she needed a miracle.
Read MoreIt's easy to see how Shainah-Mae's bubbly, upbeat personality brightens every room she walks into...But behind her sunny smile, Shainah-Mae (pronounced shine-a-may) hides a dark, painful secret we had yet to discover.
Read MoreIn the world of humanitarian aid, sadly, the dignity and incentive of those who need our help is often inadvertently crushed, while irresponsibility, dependency and corruption are bred. Over the years, we’ve learned it is never wise to do for others what they can do for themselves.
Read MoreImagine being charged with pastoring a small church in rural Mexico that’s too poor to pay you, forcing you to work most days to feed your family rather than study God’s word to feed your flock.
Read MoreThe ultimate sacrifice. That's what one of our beloved Burmese national missionaries paid last year in her service to the Lord.
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