Growing Farmers from Inmates

Picture of inmates at prison in Kenya

Growing Farmers from Inmates

I’d never expected to be preaching in a prison all the way in Africa, but there I was, telling a bunch of incarcerated kids about my story, and how Jesus rescued me. But what does Farming God’s Way have to do with those in prison?

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Large corn stalks in Kenya

Chasing Hunger and Poverty

Let me start with a little intro… I love to visit my FGW brothers and sisters in Africa, and it’s been on my heart to one day introduce my oldest son, 16-year-old Jafone, to them. He’s been practicing Farming God’s Way methods with me in my hometown of New Kensington, Pennsylvania, where I’ve been teaching and discipling troubled urban youth right on vacant city lots. It’s been very exciting to see the lives of these young men transformed using something as simple—and foreign to all of them—as agriculture. (And our efforts have also gotten the attention of local media and government!)

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Picture of Oni, a Farming God's Way Trainer

Abundantly Rewarded

If you ever ask yourself questions like, "Where are my hard-earned dollars going?" Or "What kingdom work is being accomplished through Heaven’s Family and Farming God’s Way? What kind of return on my investment will I receive when I meet King Jesus?" …then read on!

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Farming God's Way farmers celebrating harvest

Farming God’s Way Newsletter | December 2017

Thank you very much to those of you who support Farming God's Way Ministry at Heaven's Family. You have enabled our FGW team to accomplish some amazing things in Africa as well as in inner-city America.

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Open Door of Opportunity

I don’t believe that we have even scratched the surface of what FGW can do in inner city of America. But I do believe that God will use FGW to transform our inner cities as He is using FGW to transform darkest Africa.

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Farming God's Way in the inner city!

FGW in Inner City USA

When Jerry first encountered FGW on a trip to Africa with me last year, he told me that we need to bring it home to the inner city where we live. So, in April 2017, we introduced FGW into New Kensington, a blighted rust belt town in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area.

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Transformation in Africa - corn harvest

Transformation in Africa

Heaven’s Family is implementing FGW in five African countries - Zimbabwe, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. We are training and mentoring about 3000 formerly-poor FGW farmers in those five countries.  

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Jerry Jefferson, new assistant director of Farming God's Way

New Assistant

My dear wife of 50 years, Patti, was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. That has caused me to adjust my travel plans and level of ministry activity. So, in June I brought on board an assistant director for FGW, Jerry Jefferson.

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