A Double Blessing

Picture of a mom in Kenya taking food home

A Double Blessing

It was a double portion of blessing! Not only did you help meet a HUGE food need in Kenya, but the effort united the region's pastors—many of whom did not trust or endorse each other.

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Malnourished child in Guatemala - before and after

Formula for Health

Yesli's first birthday was just a few days away when we met, but her hair was falling out instead of growing. She was also retaining fluids and suffering from kwashiorkor, a form of severe malnutrition mostly affecting children from poor nations who eat lots of carbs and little protein.

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Picture of food being distributed in Guatemala during COVID-19

Not Their Last Supper

COVID-19 has reached Guatemala. Businesses are shut down. Necessities are sparse. While it sounds all too familiar to the crisis those of us in the US and other Western nations are facing, the difference is that in Guatemala, starvation is an immediate threat. Most workers live day to day with their meager earnings. Guatemala already had a high malnutrition rate of 50%, and when suddenly most of the jobs available to the poor are gone, the threat of starvation is immediate, even if many don’t have that emaciated, long-term hunger look we’re accustomed to seeing in places like Sudan, Africa, for example.

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Picture of David

No Food Today…Again

4-year-old David only eats one meal a day…on a good day. You can change that. By giving up just one lunch per month, you can provide one lunch each school day for David or one of his friends for an entire month.

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Picture of girls in Africa

An Impossible Choice

Who eats today and who goes hungry? That’s one of the impossibly hard choices faced by many impoverished families, living on the brink of starvation, each and every day.

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Feeding Jesus

It's easy to see how Shainah-Mae's bubbly, upbeat personality brightens every room she walks into...But behind her sunny smile, Shainah-Mae (pronounced shine-a-may) hides a dark, painful secret we had yet to discover.

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Food Ministry

Some of Angela's friends beg for food on the street. But this beautiful 11-year-old is blessed to be able to attend school, enjoy a healthier diet, and receive care when she's sick---all because she is sponsored by Hope House, a Christian ministry based right in her slum community in the Philippines.

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