National Missionary Ministry


National Missionary Ministry

Liberation. That's the word that comes to mind for 2015. The reason is because so many who were bound in spiritual darkness found freedom in Jesus Christ last year—thanks to the tireless efforts of our small army of dedicated national missionaries around the world, and thanks to you who gave to make their work possible.

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Jody’s 2015 Video Report: In My Words [A National Missionary Ministry Mini-Update]

In January, each of Heaven's Family's 21 Focused Ministry Directors gave a short, 10-minute presentation about their accomplishments in 2015 and their upcoming goals for 2016. We're excited about what the Lord has done, and what He has in store for the remainder of this year!

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Walking, Talking Jesus

Juan Munoz is a Mexican national missionary supported by the National Missionary Ministry of Heaven's Family. He has recently been leading teams of evangelists to reach remote, Nahuatl-speaking villages in the Puebla mountains of Mexico where descendants of the Aztec Indians live—often in dire poverty.

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Bringing a New Spirit into the House

At top left in the above photograph, you'll notice what looks like a shelf skirted in pink cloth. This structure is a 'spirit house,' a common Buddhist-animist feature in many homes throughout this region in Myanmar (Burma). Residents offer small sacrifices such as food, flowers and water to appease the spirit whom they regard as the guardian of their house.

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“Beautiful lady, what do you do?”

Jesus told his disciples that they would become fishers of men. Little did Heaven's Family-supported national missionary Naw Mu Mu realize how true that would be one day when, as she was sharing the gospel in a remote village, the skies burst open and heavy rain began to fall. Naw dashed under the nearest roof for shelter.

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Desperate for Deliverance

Oh no, it's happening again! Lily's body felt like it was burning up and she started screaming uncontrollably. Rajeev grabbed his young daughter and ran out the door. Maybe the priest can help, he thought, as he sprinted towards the Hindu temple in his village.

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David Servant takes you to the unreached mountain villages of Burma…

This month, I'd like to share with you a need of a dear friend who is laying his life down to train missionaries to reach hundreds of Burmese villages with the Good News. Burma (also known as Myanmar) is a mostly Buddhist nation in Southeast Asia whose 60,000+ villages are strewn across breathtaking mountain ranges, wide valleys, and fertile deltas. Many of the villages are only accessible on motorbike—or days of hiking on foot. When I've visited some of these villages, I have often been the first person with white skin they had ever seen!

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No Turning Back

Manoj Kumara is a Heaven’s Family-supported national missionary (currently unsponsored at the time of this writing) ministering in remote villages in Sri Lanka. His motto is “No turning back” and his heart beats for discipleship and church-planting in places that have never heard about Jesus before.

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