Dear Friends, Three years ago, at the age of 23, Rowe Mu escaped from North Korea in hopes of finding food for his family whom he left behind. As his parents had grown older, their ability to work and provide for him and his two siblings became increasingly more difficult. Finding a single meal to fill their hungry stomachs was a daily struggle. Many days the family simply didn’t eat. Rowe Mu knew he was the only son who was old enough to make the risky journey to China, a trip that could save his family—or cost him his life. Once inside China, Rowe Mu found work in a restaurant. Although his employment was illegal, the restaurant owner took pity on him so he could send money back to his family inside North Korea. During that time, Rowe Mu heard about Christ through an underground evangelist. The message of the gospel deeply affected him, and he became a believer. Like too many North Korean refugees hiding in China, Rowe Mu was discovered by Chinese police, arrested and turned over to North Korean police. He pleaded his case at his trial, telling the judge that he escaped to China only to feed his starving family. Still he was found guilty of desertion and sentenced to two-and-a-half years in a labor camp. After serving his term, Rowe Mu returned to his family, who had somehow survived during his absence. His newfound faith in God had sustained him in prison, so he again cried out for the Lord to rescue his family. God was listening, and He connected Rowe Mu with an outside operative who smuggles food inside North Korea. That operative has since begun serving the underground churches and Christian families in Rowe Mu’s city. Over the past year, Rowe Mu’s family has received distributions of both food and the Scriptures. They are overwhelmingly grateful for God’s provision and now live with a newfound hope. Thanks so much for supporting our North Korean brothers and sisters in Christ through Heaven’s Family’s North Korean Christians Fund. Sincerely in Christ,
Thanks, Elisabeth. Always glad to hear a story like this, lets us know what all of you at H.F.M. are accomplishing in your good work for our needy & suffering brothers & sisters in Christ Jesus in N.K. & other parts of the world. Keep up the good work. The Lord watch over you Always as you continue doing His good.