Villagers praising God for the well—that you helped provide—that has finally brought clean drinking water to their community
Clean Water During COVID
A new well reinforces the gospel message in an Indian village
Dear Family,
Two years ago, people came to a rural village in India and shared the gospel. They faced severe persecution, but when God started working in the villagers’ lives through healings and deliverances, others started believing in Jesus and the church began to grow.
The village lacked clean drinking water, so the people had to buy water from delivery trucks or travel a long distance to neighboring communities. During the COVID-19 lockdowns, few water trucks could come into the village, and the other communities would not allow outsiders to come in for water. Things got really bad.
Now, through your gifts to the Heaven’s Family Safe Water Ministry, you have helped drill a deep well and the people of this village are enjoying clean water!
Benny (not his real name) shared how the new well has changed their lives:
My father died when I was two years old. Then my mother worked as a housemaid and looked after me. Now she is suffering from heart disease and not able to work. So I used to work part-time and do all the housework to help my mother. Bringing water from other villages was the big problem for me because sometimes they would not give us water. Now I am so happy that I can collect water any time from this deep well. Thank you for helping us!
The need for clean water is huge in India, and the urgency is even greater due to COVID-19 lockdowns. You help meet the villagers’ physical need to quench their physical thirst while our ministry partners share the gospel with them so they may know the living water of Jesus. Thank you!
Diane Scott
Director, Safe Water Ministry