You’ve been in Cambodia, China, Mexico and Kenya! [A Compassion Club Update]

10 Sep

You’ve been in Cambodia, China, Mexico and Kenya! [A Compassion Club Update]

Click to play video about Syrian Civil War and ISIS
An Update from a Past Investment: This past February, through your Compassion Club investment, you took part in a great rescue story to offer hope to Syrian families displaced by ISIS persecution and civil war. But the mission was not without great risk. Please take 3 minutes to watch this short video from our onsite partner, Gabriel: // Through your monthly investment, you’ve helped play a key role in offering hope and a lifeline to our persecuted Sryan brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you!

You’ve been in Cambodia, China, Mexico and Kenya!

A brief report about the nations you’re impacting

Dear Family,

Well, you haven’t been there physically, perhaps, but your compassion has. Here is a quick look at the many lives you’ve touched—and are continuing to touch—over the past several months because of your Compassion Club investments:

March — Preventing girls from being trafficked in the slums of Cambodia

In March your investment funded a social work team for an entire year that works in the street and slum communities of Phnom Penh, Cambodia to keep highly at-risk women and children safe from human traffickers. They diligently fight this evil each day by providing prevention, rescue and aftercare through specific awareness and training initiatives, followups, referrals and investigations.

You also helped to purchase a sewing machine for our ministry partner in Laos who teaches girls how to sew so they can escape from prostitution work at local karaoke bars.

April — Equipping Chinese believers to reach the unreached in the urban workforce

Due to China’s booming economic climate over the past few decades, millions of countryside villagers from remote, unreached people groups have migrated to the nation’s mega-cities to find work. In order to help equip and maximize the Church’s effectiveness in reaching the unreached in the urban workplace, we’re hosting several trainings for house church leaders, key business leaders and professionals. At the trainings, they learn practical applications about running a godly, missional business and how to view the workplace as a sacred, sanctified place where God wants us to work and minister.

Your investment from April is helping to train about 30 pastors and 50 businesspeople in the Word and how they can reach the unreached through their businesses.

May — Providing God’s Word in remote Cambodian regions

Your May investment helped provide audio Bibles to remote areas inside Cambodia where illiteracy is high among children and the elderly. The audio Bibles are also helping churches to receive language training. For those who can read, your investment has also helped provide nearly 400 printed Bibles to help them grow and be grounded in the Word and 100 culturally-relevant hymnals to promote Christ-exalting worship.

June — Evangelizing the mountain villages of Mexico

In the mountains of Puebla there is witchcraft, extreme poverty, and drunkenness. Many of the small remote villages have never heard the true gospel that frees one from the bondages of sin. The missionaries have planted house churches in many of the villages and travel there by foot to minister to the new converts. As more people are coming to Christ, the host homes don’t have enough chairs for everyone to sit. Part of your investment from June has helped to provide 160 wooden benches to help seat everyone in the churches the missionaries have already planted…

Picture of missionaries in Mexico
Six missionaries in Mexico expanding their outreach thanks to you!

You’re also helping provide the missionaries with hiking boots, hiking-worthy backpacks, gospel tracts to reach the lost, Bibles for new converts, and equipment to hold larger evangelism outreaches in more villages.

Picture of house church gathering in Mexico
A typical house gathering in a remote village in Puebla, Mexico

July — Going the distance to care for the disabled in Kenya

John, our ministry partner in Bungoma, Kenya, regularly lays his own life down in order to care for and minister to the downtrodden and neglected people of his country, namely the disabled and destitute. John travels hundreds of miles to reach rural villages to oversee 45 disability cases on a monthly basis. In order to empower John to more effectively minister and care for these people, your investment in July is helping to equip him with a vehicle so he can have increased flexibility and mobility as he travels from village to village, and no longer is bound by taxi services. By having his own vehicle, John will be able to cover much more ground (at a fraction of the cost), schedule more visits, and easily transport more supplies, food and wheelchairs/tricycles to the people who need them most.

Through your ongoing partnership, you continue to travel the globe and touch many lives. I hope you understand that your involvement is resulting in transformed lives. Thank you for your continued investments in the Compassion Club.

In Christ,

Compassion Club Coordinator Jody Walker's Signature

Jody Walker
Compassion Club Coordinator

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