COVID-Proof Crops
You’ve enabled impoverished farmers to continue to reap harvests under lockdowns
Dear Family,
COVID-19 lockdowns have paralyzed nations around the globe. In Third World nations where people are dependent on what they bring in daily from their shops to feed their families, the mandatory shutdowns have been particularly devastating—and sometimes deadly.
I want you to hear from Venuste, our Farming God’s Way trainer in Rwanda:
Hello, brothers and sisters in Christ!
1 Thessalonians 5:16 -18 says, “Rejoice, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus!” Even if the COVID pandemic situation is very hard here in Rwanda, the mercy of God is still upon us!
Our chief purpose in life is to glorify and enjoy God forever. This is true. We were created for God’s glory and to proclaim His praises.
I really thank God for blessings on my land. From three years ago, the soil has changed and has started producing fruits, which can be profitable for business and ministry sustainability!!
This is what we are seeing in the lives of our FGW trainers and farmers across six East African nations. We thank you for partnering with Heaven’s Family’s Farming God’s Way Ministry to reach and equip the “least of these.” May you continue to glorify and enjoy God forever.
Jerry Jefferson
Director, Farming God’s Way Ministry
Dossie Briggs,
Ma’am, thank you for all the work you do to help these women who need help so badly. Blessings to you and yours…
Hi Ronnie,
It is actually my honor and privilege to serve these ladies. Thank you so much for replying. I hope you will consider joining our Heaven’s family team of donors, partners and our grateful recipients. We are working together to share God’s love in several countries around the world.