A classroom in Guatemala sponsored by caring believers like you
Creative Compassion
How your gifts reached poor children in dire need
Dear Family,
I am trusting the Lord with you amidst all of the concerns with Covid-19. As you know, this virus is no surprise to our sovereign God. I pray that you are well and encouraged by His gracious promises to go before us, to be with us, and to never leave us or forsake us. He is good and worthy of all praise!
What you might not know is how hard these times are hitting the students in Guatemala, India, and Kenya that are sponsored and supported by your generous donations. Here’s a piece of it: Most of these students typically subsist on the one meal per day that they received at school—but since schools are now shut down, they don’t get that meal. AND parents who need to work to provide for their families have been told that they must stay at home. So the daily struggle to survive among those in abject poverty—living hand to mouth—threatens their very lives in these countries.
Despite these harrowing conditions, there is good news. Our education ministry partners who oversee these schools are doing incredible work to care for both the physical and spiritual needs of these children! Administrators and teachers are finding creative ways to care for their students. They are risking their own safety and well-being to deliver food and the gospel to children and families who are in dire need.
Here are some examples…
— A partner in Kenya shared that he is now using his classroom as a makeshift kitchen so the children can have at least one meal per day. When the children come to pick up the food, he prays with them to keep their faith strong.
— Teachers in Guatemala are delivering food and home-schooling packets to their students so they have the opportunity to continue learning. Other Guatemalan partners who were ministering separately have now joined forces to obtain and transport fortified rice packets to children who have no food. As they deliver the rice, they are also nourishing the souls of these families with prayer.
— Partners in India who are quarantined are finding ways to work with wholesalers to get food to the most vulnerable children in their community. Praise God that He is moving in these situations!
Above left, Hope for Home partners meeting physical and spiritual needs in Guatemala; above right, Guatemalan teachers delivering home-schooling materials; below, children from Sammy’s School in Kenya, where a classroom has become a kitchen
I hope you are encouraged by the actions of the amazing partners that you faithfully support every time you give to the Education Ministry. I fully believe our great God is overjoyed to see the collaboration between us: your faithful giving coming into this ministry, my efforts to get those funds directly to our incredible partners around the world, and their amazing and tireless efforts to be the hands and feet of Jesus to these beautiful children. How blessed we are to each be able to do our part for the Kingdom!
Thank you, Family, for your ongoing generosity. Any additional donations you make during this time will be used to meet the immediate needs of these incredible children. Click here if you want to help these children.
Be encouraged, friend. The Lord has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all. (Psalm 103:19)
To God be ALL the glory!
Michelle Skocz
Director, Education Ministry