Occasional grumblers: Eliana Grace
and Jonathan David

A Word from David

I, of course, never complain to God. But I have been known to question Him about His faithfulness when I’m feeling a little like Job. “So this is what I get for serving You? Not complaining, Lord, just asking…”

Just a few months back, I found myself grumbling…um…I mean, humbly asking the Lord to explain how my circumstances reflected His love. Two newborn grandchildren were both in a neonatal intensive care unit. One was fighting for her life.

The Holy Spirit reminded me of Psalm 41:1: “How blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in a day of trouble.”

God hasn’t promised us exemption from trouble—just deliverance. And He didn’t promise deliverance to everyone, but only to those “who consider the poor.” I was glad then that I had met the condition of the blessing.

I’m so glad that you, too, haven’t forgotten the “least of these” among our spiritual family. I encourage you to hide Psalm 41:1 in your heart for the next time trouble knocks at your door. By the way, Jonathan David and Eliana Grace are both thriving. — David

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This Month's Articles

This Month's Teaching

Parting Shot: The Queue to the Loo

The words queue and loo are primarily used in Britain, but they rhyme so much better than lineand outhouse. The children of Hopeful Orphanage in Myanmar are happily no longer standing in line every morning, as in this photo, as they have since become beneficiaries of a bathroom that features multiple toilets, all thanks to our generous donors. — David

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