A message from Founder David Servant
The mission of Heaven’s Family is straight from Scripture. We’re called to advance Jesus’ kingdom. Our mission statement adds, “Through God-given partnerships, Heaven’s Family invests in reaching the unreached with the gospel, discipling Christ’s followers, and serving the suffering—particularly those whom He referred to as the ‘least of these’ (Matt. 25:31-46; 28:19-20).”
To that end, we’ve developed 21 Focused Ministries, each of which is directed by a Heaven’s Family staff member. For this special annual issue of our bimonthly magazine, I’ve asked each of our ministry directors to report on their ministry’s fruit in 2015.
I encourage you to at least read the reports about those ministries in which you invested last year. And then rejoice and feel good! You touched lives around the world through your sacrifices that reveal your love for Jesus. Heaven’s Family consists of more than just our 28 staff members. Our family also encompasses 1,500 followers of Christ around the globe. In 2015 they invested over 3 million dollars that met pressing needs in more than 38 nations.
Those investors were from almost every state in the U.S. and from 35 countries. Most were first introduced to the ministry of Heaven’s Family through our teaching website, ShepherdServe.org, or through one of our e-teachings or daily e-devotionals—published in either written or video format.
As we begin 2016, there are many opportunities before us. I ask for your prayers that God would grant us His wisdom. We want to sharpen our axe so that we have to swing it less! And we want the Lord to find us faithful so that He will grant us fruitfulness.
I’m so glad that you are a member of Heaven’s Family. May 2016 be the best year of your life on earth with a view to an eternity that far surpasses it! — David
This Month's Articles
Heaven's Family's Compassion Club
Jesus so clearly described His true followers in Matthew 25:31-46. They are “sheep,” whose love for Him is revealed by their sacrifices for the “least of these.” The “sheep” are contrasted with the “goats,” who may even call Him “Lord,” but who don’t really love Him, as revealed by their lack of compassion for those within whom He lives.
Jesus’ true sheep are born again and transformed by the Holy Spirit. They want to serve Jesus every moment of their lives. They are filled with His love. They’re not “Sunday Christians.”
Heaven’s Family’s Compassion Club is a wonderful means for Christ’s followers to demonstrate their love for Jesus every day through the very means He taught—by serving the “least of these.”
Continue reading at HeavensFamily.org/cc