Ending on a High Note
David’s 4th and Final Blog from Myanmar
Dear Friends,
In all of the villages that we’ve visited on this trip, I’ve yet to see a child with a toy. This is not to say that I haven’t seen children playing or having fun. The children we’ve encountered never lack entertainment, all generated by themselves.
In Maul Zawl, I noticed that most of the children were wearing rubber bands around their wrists, like in the photo below:
When I inquired about the reason, the brother and sister in the photo above demonstrated a game that all the village children play in which they compete to gain the most rubber bands.
They began by taking a piece of charcoal from a cooking fire (not difficult to find) and drawing a circle on the hardened ground about 3 feet in diameter. Each player places three rubbers bands inside the circle. Then they walk a certain number of paces away and, by means of throwing their flip flops, attempt to knock their opponent’s rubber bands outside of the circle. If they succeed, they gain their opponent’s rubber bands. Here’s a photo of the game in action:
But life is not always fun and games for Chin State village children. One day I was invited to a house in Maul Zawl to meet a 14-year-old girl named Lal Tlan Mawi. Lal was helping her family clear some land when her ax became lodged in a tree stump. Trying to dislodge it, she severely strained her back, and as her condition worsened over the next few days, she found herself unable to walk and incontinent. For the past ten months, she has lain on the floor of her parent’s home. They have not been able to afford the medical care she needs. Here is her photo:
So we carted Lal and her mother 3 hours in our SUV to the nearest hospital. From there she was referred to a better hospital hundreds of miles away in Mandalay where she is currently undergoing testing, all thanks to gifts to Heaven’s Family’s Disabilities Ministry. Please join me in praying for Lal’s complete recovery.
We spent about two days in Maul Zawl and then headed our SUVs down the same mountain ridge to the village of Zatual, just 30 minutes away, but where the people speak a completely different language. Heaven’s Family has been serving in Zatual just as long as in Maul Zawl, and the entire village turned out to greet us. The Zatualians have been a little slower to adapt to change than the Maul Zawlians, but they, too, are prospering and making progress.
Below are some photos with captions from our days in both Maul Zawl and Zatual. Thanks for joining me on this journey!