Faith on the Ropes
How you brought hope to a North Korean woman who had none
Dear Family,
I’ve been losing my faith. Let me explain…
Faith is hoping for things yet unseen (Hebrews 11:1). If we’re honest with ourselves, this can be a difficult process. Sometimes God promises some pretty incredible things that are way outside our ability to comprehend.
This has been especially true for me regarding places like North Korea, where ministry to persecuted Christians is especially difficult. God has spoken big things over this country—that light is piercing the darkness; that the church will survive and grow. That’s tough for my faith to grasp, however, when beloved partners living and working near the North Korean border have disappeared one by one over the past few years. Arrests. Prison. Just gone. Their ministries crushed. Evil is winning.
Or is it?
I’m learning that it’s in these seasons of hardship where our faith is truly refined and a deeper relationship with the Lord can be cultivated. He is showing me there is always hope within the darkness. Even if it’s just a pin-point of light, He is always right there, always working in the background for His will to be accomplished.
My personal speck of light came from a longtime friend and partner, Mrs. Kim. Every year, this incredible lady brings life-sustaining aid, discipleship, and the message of Jesus to more than 220 families inside North Korea.
Mrs. Kim recently shared the story of meeting “Joy,” a starving North Korean woman who had all but given up hope of survival. But she had heard neighbors talk of a foreign woman who defied the government to bring lifesaving aid. Was there help for her, too? Those same neighbors had seen Joy struggle for food. So one day they decided to risk their lives by sharing some of the precious food they had received from Mrs. Kim.
The story of treason and food on her plate rocked Joy’s world, and she begged for a chance to thank Mrs. Kim in person.
Joy got her wish. During her next visit, Mrs. Kim met with her and shared the powerful message of Christ’s love. Deeply moved, Joy eagerly asked Jesus to be her savior. You helped make that meeting possible.
As Mrs. Kim continues to keep in touch with her, Joy has spoken of hope for her country’s future. She lives with courage and expectation, dreaming of prosperity and a future season when families will no longer suffer from hunger and starvation.
God has made promises to other Christians inside North Korea as well. They believe their freedom is coming. They believe that, until that time, there is a larger Church around the world that cares for them and will help them survive. As long as their faith lives on, it’s incredibly important that our own faith survives.
Friends, I know many of you are in seasons where your faith has grown small. Do not lose heart. Be encouraged that you are not alone in your struggle. Begin to ask the Lord for a pin-point of light to focus on. Ask him to reveal where he is still working. There is nothing too big that his love can’t conquer. He is always at work, even right there in the midst of your darkness.
May you also be deeply encouraged today, knowing that your support of the Persecuted Christians Ministry is building the faith of many around the world, including those inside North Korea. Let faith arise, for God is on the move!
With a grateful heart,
Ben Croft
Persecuted Christians Ministry