Feet of Gold

Javier handing a New Testament to a young street girl from the town of Oaxaca. She now lives at a missional, agricultural community where they live out the book of Acts, “having all things in common,” started by HF-missionaries Jason and Nicole Fitzpatrick.

Feet of Gold

How a transformed sinner in Mexico is transforming the lives of many others with the Word of God

Dear Friends,

Can you remember when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? I was a high school sophomore at a retreat in Oglebay Park, West Virginia. My Young Life leader opened the Word of God to me in a way no one had before. To him I am forever grateful.

Javier Galindo Salgado, a Heaven’s Family-supported national missionary, evangelizes and disciples in some of the most remote, extremely poor areas of Mexico. Like my Young Life leader of yore, he is “bringing good news,” to many spiritually impoverished. Himself radically delivered from a lifestyle of womanizing and wife abuse to one of serving the Lord Jesus Christ, Javier now often walks 7-8 hours a day—sometimes in scorching heat or torrential rain—to evangelize and disciple new believers.

This man of God is firmly convinced of the need to get Bibles into the hands of new believers. In his own words he states, “Hearing a good testimony or sermon is very good and edifying, but nothing compares to being able to study the Scripture for one’s self. Reading and going over the Bible enables one to analyze and see for one’s self that it is necessary to change and live accordingly. To think and act.”

Javier’s ministry exemplifies Heaven’s Family’s efforts to distribute Bibles: We don’t just throw a bunch of Bibles at the “wall” of the world and hope “some stick,” but instead put them into the hands of missionaries who teach believers how to use and value the Word of God. Discipleship like this is possible because of your generous contributions to the Bibles for Believers Fund. Thank you!

Isaiah says that those who bring the Good News have “beautiful feet” (Is 52:7). So I can’t help thinking that, from Heaven’s point of view, Javier has some pretty awesome-looking feet—maybe they look like gold!


Peter Wray
Director, Bibles for Believers Fund


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