An Easter feast for the poor at the “Village” in Mexico
Dear Friends,
I just received a letter of thanks from our partners Jason and Nicole Fitzpatrick, who live in a remote region of central Mexico. They serve forgotten descendants of the Aztec Indians, members of the “least of these” who need our love and support. As you may recall, the Fitzpatricks established what they refer to as “The Village” several years ago, a community where they live and work with the people whom they disciple, educate, and teach vocational skills.
Here’s what Nicole wrote:
God is so good! Last Sunday we had a great Resurrection Sunday at The Village…. about 60-70 people showed up from La Gallera, San Lorenzo and Cutzontipa to celebrate Christ’s resurrection and partake of the Lord’s Supper here…. Pastor Costa, Bishop Juan, Bro. Asher and Deacon Pedro led us in a beautiful time of worship, teaching, and breaking of bread.
Thank you for the money you send each month, making it possible to feed the church body when they come to worship our King Jesus together with us. It is a pleasure to feed them often, both spiritually and physically…. Thanks again and may the Lord Jesus bless you!
Thank you for making this ministry possible!
God bless!
Chuck King
International Director, Food Fund Director