Seven-year-old Gabriella; Inset, her letter to Heaven’s Family (see parting shot at bottom of email for full letter)
Gabriella’s Gift
A young girl’s compassion changes the life of a little boy across the sea
Dear Friends,
When Gabriella learned of the plight of the poor in Africa and how Jesus has called us to give to those in need, her 7-year-old heart was moved to action. She made the choice to empty her life’s savings and mailed it to Heaven’s Family as an act of love for Jesus and obedience to His Word. She didn’t realize how much her gift was about to change a life!
Across the ocean lives Elisha who, since birth, has been unable to walk or sit uprightly on his own due to severe physical disability. His mother, Banyere, conceived Elisha as a result of a horrific rape experience. She is a graduate and now an intern at the Women of Wellness (WOW) Center, a partner of the Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry which offers vocational training to women and girls who have survived the trauma of sexual abuse and physical violence.
When Heaven’s Family received Gabriella’s gift, a fellow staff member who had just returned from DR Congo and whose heart was burdened with Elisha’s plight contacted me. Would the Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry like to use Gabriella’s gift to buy a wheelchair so Elisha would no longer have to lie on the floor? Absolutely!
A beautiful “before and after” of Elisha, who no longer has to spend his days lying on his back
What a joy it was for Banyere—and all of the women and staff of WOW—when Elisha smiled and giggled as he sat up in his new chair for the first time. It was a happy day indeed! Gabriella’s gift and Elisha’s outcome demonstrate what is possible when even a child says Yes! to God. This compassionate little girl was moved to action and we are grateful for her beautiful example of obedience.
Rejoicing in hope,
Patty Forney
Director, Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry
Parting Shot…
Gabriella’s sweet letter that accompanied her generous gift