Garbage Duty

Borak, Jamelia and Fadilah with their monthly food parcel

Garbage Duty

The harsh realities of surviving in Syria

Dear Friends,

Mom is very sick and they don’t know what happened to Dad—in prison? dead? What they do know is that the rent for their home—an unfinished structure that has a roof supported by pillars, but no walls, plumbing or electricity—costs $43 each month and it’s up to the 3 children to earn it.

At 13, Borak is the oldest. His sisters are Jamelia and Fadilah, 12 and 11, respectively. Each day they must earn money the only way they know how—by sorting through garbage to find items they can then sell. Sadly, this is the story for many IDP children who are the victims of the horrible war that rages within the nation of Syria.

But there is hope. Heaven’s Family is working with a church in Syria that provides monthly food parcels to the most desperate and vulnerable families, which includes these 3 children and their mother. The church also feeds the children one meal each day.

I am thankful that these children are not only receiving life-sustaining food for their bodies, but spiritual food for their souls. Praise God for the opportunity to sow into their lives and show God’s love to them in their suffering.

Thank you for feeding this family with your gifts to the Refugee Ministry.


Becky Servant
Director, Refugee Ministry

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