The patients of the Msambweni, Kenya leprosy colony with their new shoes, protheses and crutches
The Gift of a Lifetime
The gift of mobility for a Kenyan leprosy colony
Dear Friends,
While visiting a leprosy colony in Msambweni, Kenya last summer, I arrived just in time to witness a truly remarkable sight. Measurements were being taken to provide new shoes, prostheses and assistive devices for patients with ulcerated and degenerated feet and legs! Peter, the director of Blessed Camp, had taken a step of faith in inviting a rehabilitation team from Mombasa to assess the situation. The only problem, however, was that he didn’t have the funds to pay for these much-needed shoes and orthotic aids.
As I was increasingly impressed by the earnest devotion of Peter’s Blessed Camp ministry to these impoverished survivors of leprosy, I began to pray about the Leprosy Ministry’s role in all of this. Upon returning home, I felt certain that it was God’s will that these sweet individuals be able to once again walk, and so we proceeded to post a special project appeal to cover the expenses. Thanks to compassionate contributors, this need was met fairly quickly and I was able to send the funds!
Upon receiving the shoes and crutches, one patient expressed the following sentiments:
I am so happy and grateful for my shoes and crutches, the shoe are a great protection from muddy waters during this rainy season and also from harmful objects. Am even more grateful for the crutches, when I didn’t have them I often fall down and harm my body because I lose support. Now with them am stronger and more confident. And I feel respected.
Thank you to those of you who generously support the Leprosy Ministry! Your gifts help to make a big difference in the lives of these patients.
Together in Him,
Carole Collins
Director, Leprosy Ministry
Parting Shot
A Kenyan rehabilitation specialist fits new shoes to a patient with an atrophied foot