This is Zippy. Previously, after Zippy’s drunken husband married another wife, he would come home and beat her. She moved into a rental house with her three children, but she couldn’t afford to pay the rent, buy food, and pay school fees to keep her children in school. Now, Zippy is growing maize on her own plot—which you have helped her purchase! She has also built a modest mud hut on the land. Zippy is now rent-free and can afford to send her children to school and feed them too. Thank you!
God’s Faithfulness Overflows
Dossie’s 1st trip blog from Africa (Kenya)
Dear Family,
Jambo from Kitale, Kenya! After working with my ministry partner in Kitale for over three years, I was thrilled to be able to travel there and see what you have been achieving through the Widows & Abandoned Women Ministry. All the women being served through Heaven’s Family have harrowing stories of hardship and hopelessness. But after they cried out to God in their desperation, He heard their prayers. Our ministry team traveled all over Kitale throughout the week to visit 24 women in two days! You have changed the lives of these women, and it is obvious in their spiritual joy!
This is Christine Wataka. Our ministry partner discovered her when she was living in the forest with her two children. Her husband was killed in a road accident in 2014. At times, to find something for her family to eat, she had to resort to going through food that had been thrown out for animals to feed on. Thanks to you, she now lives in a safe, new mud home where she is growing maize and beans. She is one grateful lady!
Here I am with Miriam Wafula, who was widowed in 2011 with four children. You helped her buy a small plot and build a modest mud house. Now Miriam lives independently, supporting herself and her children. She has her own business and has even bought another plot to grow more maize! Miriam has remained faithful and active in the church and God has blessed the work of her hands.
These are only three of the 24 women whom I enjoyed visiting in Kitale. My next report will come from Kigali, Rwanda. Thank you so much for all you’ve done through the Widows & Abandoned Women Ministry. Your faithful giving has brought so much hope and healing!
Dossie Briggs
Director, Widows & Abandoned Women Ministry