Esther of Goshen Orphanage in Kalaymyo, Myanmar, with a new chick!
News pours almost daily into Orphan’s Tear from the orphanages we help support around the world! They tell us about their daily lives, and with our encouragement, are finding ways to provide for their own needs so that they can rely less on outside sources.
In this update you’ll get a glimpse into the day-to-day lives of some children, as well as some of the hard work they’re doing to make their lives even better!
 The older boys at Zion Orphanage in Yangon, Myanmar, are preparing a field for planting elephant foot yam, a crop they can sell profitably, further helping them become self-sufficient!
 Mission to Homeless Children in Tanzania recently played soccer against a local team, winning 3-1!
 Grace Orphanage in Yangon, Myanmar, is investing in the future by planting some fruit trees seeds
 The children of Blessing House in India recently performed a song in front of all their classmates—don’t they look sharp!
 Chin Chin of Beulah Orphanage in Kalaymyo, Myanmar, received an award from her school, where she is learning English!
 Michael, the oldest boy at Life Concern Orphanage (5th from the right) in Yangon, Myanmar, just celebrated his graduation from Bible School with his family!
 Living Hope Orphanage in Yangon, Myanmar, cooled off from 100-degree heat at a local water park to celebrate the beginning of their summer break
To improve the lives of orphans,
 Elisabeth Walker Director, Orphan’s Tear division
 These two brothers didn’t understand the reason for this silly pose when this photo was taken, but they sure giggled a lot when they saw it afterwards!