Dear Friends, Because of contributions to the Safe Water Fund over the past twelve months, I wanted to share some uplifting news that we’ve recently been receiving. I just visited Goma, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, to follow up on our safe water filter ministry team. The testimonies received from those benefiting from the biosand and Sawyer filters was very encouraging! First, here is a photo (below) of the Corneille Luanda family and some of their thirty-five neighbors in Goma who are now benefitting from a Sawyer filter from Heaven’s Family. Your gifts to the Safe Water Fund have not only been helping poor believers in DR Congo, but also in eleven other countries. The establishment of filter production centers in those nations is resulting in lives being saved. Hundreds of families are benefitting. Below is a photo of Simeon and Josephine Muhunga with one of two biosand filters that together are providing safe water to 350 church members in Goma. The testimonies concerning the use of these filters was unanimous in Goma. Before using the filters, everyone suffered from sickness from drinking the unsafe water from Lake Kivu. Now, no sickness can be found among those who are using the Sawyer and biosand filters to purify Lake Kivu water! The biosand filter even removes a salty taste in that lake water! As the director of Heaven’s Family’s Safe Water Fund, I hope to keep you informed periodically via email of what your contributions are accomplishing, as we only highlight it in our monthly magazine about twice a year. Thanks again helping us to provide safe water for our spiritual family around the world. Jesus will one day say to you, “I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink” (Matt. 25:35). In Christ,