Kandy showing off her beautiful smile at mealtime
Happy Bellies, Big Smiles
Two girls rescued from the brink of death
Dear Friends,
I wanted to cry tears of sadness when I first heard about Kandy (not her real name). She weighed 35 pounds when she first arrived at Cindi’s Hope in Nairobi, Kenya—but she was just 12 years old. Her ribs could easily be counted, and she couldn’t button a shirt over her enlarged tummy. Her intake medical exam revealed severe malnutrition and HIV/AIDS.
Now I want to cry tears of joy, because Kandy’s life has been saved! Heaven’s Family began providing her with a special nutritious diet, thanks to your gifts to the Food Fund, and she’s now 65 pounds! Kandy is very playful, and hopes one day to be a teacher! Glory to God!
Claire came to Cindi’s Hope as a neglected, one-parent young girl who often had nothing to eat. She did not attend school. Most days she lived without supervision in a one-room shack made of rusty metal sheets, scrap wood, cardboard and paper bags. Claire also arrived in a state of severe malnutrition, but is now healthy, full of life, and she’s got her sights set on becoming a doctor one day!
At left, Claire in front of her home—a one-room dwelling made from a few corrugated metal sheets, scrap wood, cardboard, and paper bags—in Eastleigh slum, Nairobi, Kenya; at right, Claire, at Cindi’s Hope, also has a beautiful smile!
I hope you’ve been blessed as much as I have by reading about Kandy and Claire. You are helping to transform lives and minds in the name of Jesus! Thank you so much for your gifts to the Food Fund!
Serving together,
Diane Scott
Director, Food Fund