Happy to Learn

Image of student in Kenya in her school uniformAdlight, proud to be in her school uniform, thanks to you!

Happy to Learn

You’ve provided a quality education for a motivated student

Dear Family,

Adlight Sululuw was born in 2008 in a remote village of Saboti, Kenya. Her father died when she was six years old, leaving her mother as the sole breadwinner for Adlight and her three siblings. Her mom sent her to a Heaven’s Family-supported school in Kenya, hoping that Adlight could receive a high-quality education.

At first, Adlight was far behind grade level in her studies, and then COVID-19 hit and all the schools shut down. But despite the lockdowns and the associated difficulties, Adlight has worked hard to catch up, especially now that her school has reopened. She’s very determined, especially in learning English. Her average grades have increased by 20 percentage points!

Thank you so much for giving Adlight the chance to learn and excel through Heaven’s Family’s Education Ministry.

Director of the Education Ministry

Elisabeth Walker
Director, Education Ministry

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