Healing Wounded Hearts & Feet

25 Jul

Healing Wounded Hearts & Feet

How God’s love & care reached the most outcast lepers

Uncle Li showing his feet covered in painful sores due to leprosy 

Uncle Li is an elderly man who lives in a remote village in China called Chengjiang. He has lived in the village for many years since he first became diagnosed with leprosy.

Several months ago, as many families in China were preparing to celebrate one of China’s grand festivals, Uncle Li and the others in his community grieved. Because of their leprosy, they are are not welcome in society by others and instead have been sent away to live in remote colonies. Many of these individuals, like Uncle Li, had happy lives and families before they fell ill with leprosy, and now no longer get to see or be included in their families. They grieve on holidays for the life they once had and from the pain they now suffer.

Uncle Li has severe ulcers on his feet due to his leprosy. Because of these ulcers, he is in constant pain, but he has no access to medical treatment to tend to his wounds.

But because of your support of the Critical Medical Needs Ministry, Uncle Li and many others in his community were able to receive medical care and bandaging of their ulcers. Because of you, our partner was able to make the long journey to Uncle Li’s leprosy village and not only care for many physical wounds, but provide a meal and companionship to these leprosy patients on a holiday they typically grieve on.

Our partner sharing a meal with Uncle Li and other lepers on a holiday

Thank you for supporting the Critical Medical Needs Ministry and allowing the wounds of many around the world to be healed.


Rachel Reed

Director, Critical Medical Needs Ministry

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