Dear Friends,
I want to give you a quick report about one way that gifts to the Bibles for Believers Fund are making a real difference. Here are some details from my recent trip to Africa. Placing Bibles into the hands of believers who have never owned one before is always exciting. While in Rwanda, Africa, however, I wasn’t quite prepared for the blessing I was to receive as I gave out a new kind of Bible I brought along with me this time—Bibles called Proclaimers. Proclaimers are audio Bibles housed in brick-sized plastic boxes and powered by a built-in solar panel, hand crank, or electrical wall outlet. One Proclaimer can be heard by dozens of people at once, making them ideal for those who cannot read—like many parts of rural Africa. Audio Bibles in Africa Changing LivesI discovered another group that really appreciate these new Bibles—the blind. Thank the Lord that I happened to have one with me when I visited Kabuga, Rwanda. There I met with 12 families in a blind community. Surprise and delight flashed across their faces as they realized what I was giving them. They insisted on “seeing” this blessed box by passing it around for all to feel! I was overjoyed to be a part of sharing the Living Word with these precious brothers and sisters in Christ in Africa. Your love and faithfulness made this blessing possible. Thank you. In Christ, Chuck King P.S. Please forward this email to your friends who love the Word of God! |
You have done it again! Amazing post!