A Heavenly Triple-Crown
Three ways you’re changing lives in Kenya
Dear Friends,
Last year the Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry had the privilege of meeting some very special needs through you, Heaven’s Family’s Compassion Club members.
Your donation was used in three areas of Cindi’s Hope, our faithful partner in Nairobi and Naivasha, Kenya.
We were able to purchase two new water tanks (one pictured below) for the school campus in Naivasha, which serves 75 students. This water is crucial for health and hygiene, and everyone was happy to say goodbye to the old broken-down, worthless tank that was replaced!
Desperately-needed textbooks had been donated previously, but were sitting in boxes in Colorado with no money for shipment to Africa. But because of you, they are now in the hands of eager students (top photo)!
As if educating 150 poor children isn’t enough, Cindi’s Hope also reaches out to adult women in both Naivasha and Nairobi. In Nairobi, sewing lessons are taught in a garage where lighting was desperately needed for the ladies to be able work at night. These women (photo below) are in the process of overcoming merciless poverty, displacement and abandonment, and some have even experienced the atrocity of rape.
Thank you for your generosity. Lives continue to be daily impacted through water, education, and light because you have given! What a joy it is to have a part in what God is doing in this earth!
God bless you,
Elisabeth Walker
Compassion Club Coordinator